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时间:2023-07-07 18:25:02 教学设计 来源:网友投稿





Design and implementation of Chinese architecture history teaching system based on mixed reality technology


School of Digital Media, Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu 214122, China


The teaching of Chinese architecture history has building structures too complex, is limited to 2D planar teaching and is not easy for students to master and apply, therefore an implementation method of Chinese architecture history teaching system based on mixed reality technology was proposed. The wooden structure system of Baoguo Temple in Ningbo was taken as an example, and the mixed reality device Microsoft HoloLens was used as the teaching platform. Firstly, 3ds Max was applied to the 3D simulation modeling of the wooden structure system of Baoguo Temple based on the collected data, and a building model library was built. Then, the 3D human-computer interface of the virtual teaching system was constructed in unity3D, the key technologies were used including environment understanding and human-computer interaction based on C# scripts, and a Chinese architectural history teaching system using HoloLens was implemented with core functions of building structure recognition and cultural cognition. The results show that the system has good 3D visual effects and natural effective human-computer interaction, which can improve the efficiency of knowledge transfer and the initiative of students.

Key words:

mixed reality; interactive feature; three-dimensional space interface; teaching system

0 引言

近年来,虚拟现实(Virtual Reality, VR)和增强现实(Augument Reality, AR)日趋成熟,并已经较多地应用于当代信息化教学中,而混合现实(Mixed Reality, MR)技术的出现是随着2015年微软的混合现实设备HoloLens的发布而逐渐进入应用领域的。混合现实技术目前更多地应用于航空航天[1]、船舶制造[2]等行业的科研领域,在建筑教学领域的成熟应用还相对较少。在传统的中国建筑史教学中,往往以教师授课、学生听讲为主,辅之以教材文字、图片和相关视频等,中国木构建筑的构造往往比较繁杂,学生对于建筑的体量关系、结构设计方法和比例规则、空间形式和空间组合以及材质纹理等建筑信息[3],只有理性认识,缺乏感性认知;同时,由于时间的不可逆性,每一个历史建筑都有其独特的性格特征,建筑现象背后的艺术思想、社会观念和历史文化,都赋予历史建筑非常重要的意义,针对这部分内容的教学,很难通过单一的文字和图片来讲述[4]。因此,当代人对中国古代建筑研究的匮乏,对建筑文化缺乏真正的理解,是建筑理论薄弱的重要原因。结合MR的教学模式提供了一种全方位的、立体的、多角度的建筑解读,通过将详细的文字、影像资料、视频和三维模型、语音解说等信息对古建筑进行详尽的詮释,使枯燥、晦涩难懂的建筑史知识变得清晰、生动而更易掌握,弥补了传统平面化建筑历史教学的单一性,解决了学生无法亲身到现场观摩体验的局限性;通过构建丰富的交互方式和交互反馈,达成多感官沉浸的观察方式,使学生在与周围环境自然交互的过程中充分发挥其主观能动性和自主性,建立知识与交互之间的链接,培养学生对历史建筑的认知和理解能力,了解古代建筑的性格特征和艺术内涵,增强学生在空间和时间层面上对建筑的理解;营造虚实结合的视觉效果场景,让学生灵活使用肢体动作和各种虚拟道具,以此模拟实际技能的操作,提高学生的思考能力和实践能力,同时也为学生提供主动探索和互动交流的机会[5]。

推荐访问:中国建筑 混合 现实 教学 设计

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